About Us

To My Valued Customers,

Growing up as a child I always felt this connection to others that I could not explain. As I grew my love for helping people also grew with me. I look for the best in people and have come to realize that even your worst enemies could have a positive role in your life, you must be willing to look for it. I want to bring my love for positivity and optimism to humanity. This is what led me here. I believe there is always a positive solution and a silver lining. I know that sounds a bit cliché but how else could one explain it? I want people to see beyond all the hate and suffering so we can ban together for a better human experience through a humble mindset. I finally got fed up with trying to explain my perspectives on social media and felt it was time to get these thoughts out of my head and put them to good use. I want to put my interpretation in the hands of the world because I genuinely believe we can only change if we are willing to listen and forgive. We must do it together by supporting each other. I thought about it and asked myself what it is that keeps me so humble?  I never really grew up; I am still a kid at heart and that is what inspired my first 4 Word Thought “Kindness Speaks One Language… Smile” It is simple and to the point. I believe that sharing a smile with someone has an enormous effect on people. We need to laugh more, smile more, change negativity into positivity and unite! I hope you will join me in this journey as I work to move the world 4 Word….
